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Terms of Use

1. The Jerseysfc Soccer Shop online store carries out retail activities via the Internet. Orders are accepted via the https://www.jerseysfcsoccershop.com website.

2. All products offered in the Jerseysfc Soccer Shop are brand new, free from physical and legal defects, and have been legally placed on the market.

3. All prices quoted on the Jerseysfc Soccer Shop website are gross prices (they include VAT).

4. The ordered goods are delivered via specialized courier and postal companies. The buyer is charged for delivery in accordance with the costs of transport specified on the Shipping page.

5. In case where there are large differences in execution time or manner of packaging and delivery of various goods comprising an order, the jereysfc.ru store can independently decide to split the order into smaller shipments. In such cases, the overall cost of delivery displayed to the Client when submitting the Order does not change but is simply split between individual shipments. In case of cancellation of part of the order, only those delivery costs that correspond to the part of the order that was not delivered or claimed for refund get adjusted.

6. We accept the following forms of payment: Credit/Debit Card, PayPal

7. The date of planned dispatch is provided for every item. When ordering goods with varying dispatch times, the order is sent after completing the whole order i.e. after the longest dispatch time provided for the ordered goods. In the case of dividing the order, each shipment can be sent at a different time, of which the customer is informed via e-mail or telephone. If the time of executing the order proves to be longer than shown on our website, we will contact the buyer to inform about the delay and confirm the willingness to execute the order. Please note that the date of delivery = dispatch date + delivery time.

8. If the sold item has a defect, the Customer may request to have the defective item exchanged for one free from defects or to have the defect removed. The Customer can make a statement regarding the reduction of price or withdrawal from the agreement, unless Jerseysfc Soccer Shop promptly and without undue inconvenience to the Customer exchange the defective item for a defect-free one or remove the defect. The customer may request the exchange of items for ones free from defects or request a removal of defects instead of exchanging items, unless making the goods comply with the agreement in a manner chosen by the buyer is impossible or would require excessive costs in comparison with the method proposed by the Vendor. When evaluating these costs, the following details are taken into account: the value of the goods free of defects, the nature and the importance of the defect, the inconvenience to which the buyer would be subject in case of satisfying his or her complaint in another manner is also taken into account.

9. In case of a defect, the defective goods along with a letter stating the type of defect and the expectations on how to fulfill our obligations should be returned.

10. The Vendor will address the demands of the Customer within 14 days from the date of filing the notification of non-conformity of the goods with the agreement. The date of filing the complaint is the date on which the returned product is delivered to the Vendor's office. If the Customer, being a consumer, has requested the exchange of goods or removal of the defect or made a statement about lowering the price, specifying the amount by which the price is to be reduced, and the Jerseysfc Soccer Shop did not respond to this request within fourteen days, it shall be believed that the store has found the request justified.

11. In the case of closing the complaint in favour of the Customer - the Jerseysfc Soccer Shop will exchange the defective product for one free of defects or will remove the defect. This does not affect the Customer's ability to file a statement regarding price reduction or withdrawal from the agreement in accordance with applicable regulations. In the case when the product cannot be exchanged, the defect cannot be removed or the price cannot be reduced, the Jerseysfc Soccer Shop will reimburse the Customer immediately.

12. After the purchased goods are dispatched, the Vendor under the agreement with the Purchaser is entitled to send the Buyer via e-mail an invitation to complete a survey in order to investigate the Customer's opinion on the transaction. The buyer is entitled, but not obliged to complete it.

13. The information on the website of the Jerseysfc Soccer Shop do not constitute an offer within the meaning of the Civil Code. The Customer, by placing an order through the mechanisms available on the websites of the store, places an offer to buy specific goods under the conditions specified in the product description.

14. The Jerseysfc Soccer Shop reserves the right to reject the offer in a situation when the history of cooperation undermines the credibility and reliability of the Customer, of which the Customer will be immediately informed.